The “Green Eco Act” (GEA) project aims to improve the competences, skills and knowledge of youth leaders, volunteers, students and marginalized young people in the field of environmental protection and awareness. As part of the project, three organizations exchange their national practices in environmental protection, develop an educational guide for environmental education for young people and organize a transnational meeting with practical training and a visit to a center for environmental protection. In addition, three local eco-actions will be carried out to promote environmental protection and awareness-raising and public relations materials will be produced.
According to the latest studies by the EU Environment Agency in 2022, 96% of the urban population in the EU was exposed to particulate matter levels above those recommended by the World Health Organization. The GEA project responds to these alarming findings and aims to raise young people’s environmental awareness through non-formal education and motivate them to actively participate in environmental protection.
The project is aimed at youth leaders, volunteers, migrants, asylum seekers and other marginalized groups as well as young environmentalists, biologists and students who want to get involved in protecting our planet. The aim is to promote environmental education and contribute to a more sustainable future through international cooperation and local action.