
African societies worldwide in economic transition. Start-ups, large companies – global players?

On June 3, 2023, our event “African societies worldwide in economic change: start-ups, large companies – global players” took place at the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. As part of the African Futures Conference, the Jama Nyeta association organized this one-day event in cooperation with the University of Cologne.

In his opening speech, Momo Sissoko, Managing Director of Jama Nyeta, explained the economic progress that has been made on the African continent in recent years. He emphasized the contribution of members of the African diaspora, whose entrepreneurship contributes to the progress of one of the world’s emerging economic regions. The focus of the event was therefore on the economic potential of the African continent and how this can be used and expanded for the benefit of societies.

In addition, Momo Sissoko emphasized the aim of the event to enable members of African diasporic communities in Cologne to network with each other and to encourage them to take entrepreneurial action through best practice examples. In addition, an offer of mutual support should be created here, through which people with start-up ideas can learn from people with similar educational and immigration biographies.

The association welcomed four guests to the podium to share their expertise with the audience.

Dr. Youssouf Diawara, pharmacist and company founder from Mali, was the first to speak. He presented the population growth on the African continent as one of the greatest potentials as well as its greatest challenge, and encouraged the audience to be entrepreneurial. Africa still has high levels of poverty and unemployment, as well as difficult trading conditions, including access to finance and a lack of infrastructure. To address these challenges and further drive economic growth in Africa, the continent needs innovative ideas and collaboration across borders.

He was joined by Malian start-up expert Abdoulaye Yaro, who spoke about the milestones and opportunities for entrepreneurship to contribute to the development of society as a whole. He also explained some important factors to consider when founding a start-up.

We were also pleased to receive an additional contribution from Katja Wegener, who informed the participants about the possibility of company pension schemes. This was also an important addition to the program for future employers.

Finally, Jan Ueckermann took to the podium to provide motivating input on fundraising strategies. He encouraged the audience not to see themselves as supplicants when fundraising, but as providers of an interesting product for the donors.

The highlight of the day was an exciting panel discussion with all participants. Here, the audience discussed how business networks can serve as the key to Africa’s economic development.

Bei einem reichhaltigen Buffet mit kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten aus Westafrika wurden weitere Gespräche geführt, sich ausgetauscht und Kontakte geknüpft. Die im Vorfeld formulierten Ziele dieser Veranstaltung wurden somit rundum erreicht. Wir bedanken uns bei der Interkulturellen Promotorenstelle von Migrafrica und bei House of Resources für die Kooperation und für unseren Förderinnen, der Stadt Köln, Aktion Neue Nachbarn, der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung und Brot für die Welt, die diese Veranstaltung möglich gemacht haben.




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