With “Du ka kalan” we have created a low-threshold digital skills training offer for families with (mainly West African) migrant backgrounds in Cologne-Ehrenfeld.
Factors such as residence status, unemployment or a ban on working, or socioeconomic status present particular difficulties for many families with a history of flight or migration: They often have no access to the regular labor market support services of the SGB, have little experience in using digital media, and often do not have their own terminal devices.
To remedy this situation, we designed a low-threshold training program on digital content specifically for this target group: In addition to the handling of hardware, basic knowledge was imparted in the areas of e-mail, Google research, word processing and other office applications. Due to the Corona pandemic, training was conducted online. The knowledge gained here has empowered numerous families to allow their children to participate in online classes at their respective schools during the lockdown.
We would like to thank the Intercultural Service of the City of Cologne in the Ehrenfeld district for their kind support.