The “Welcome in the Impro World” project is a cooperation between Jama Nyeta e.V., Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance (ACPELIA – Cyprus), Branches Interculturelles (France) and Citizen Association United Youth (North Macedonia). The participants travelled to Martinique as part of the Erasmus+ program, which promotes the global exchange of knowledge and skills as well as intercultural dialogue.
This project offered participants from different European countries the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, skills, competencies and experiences. The focus was on the use of theater as a mechanism for raising public awareness and social inclusion of people who have experienced discrimination. At the same time, the participants gained valuable insights into Europe’s cultural diversity.
During their stay in Martinique, the participants also had the opportunity to explore the island’s vibrant culture and history. They visited Fort-de-France, the current capital, and St. Pierre, the former capital, which was destroyed by a devastating volcanic eruption in 1902. They also learned about the history of the Arawak natives, whose influence can still be felt in the language and culture of Martinique today.
The “Welcome to the Impro World” project not only provided participants with in-depth insights into the art of theater, but also made a clear appeal to young people: Everyone should be treated equally regardless of skin color, culture, sexual orientation or other differences. The focus was on raising awareness of the history of Europe and discrimination against different peoples and ethnicities in order to raise awareness of the need for a society free of discrimination and racism.
