Amid the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, the Fake News Challenge was launched to bring together young people from different European countries and strengthen trust in the media. The main aim was to promote a critical approach to news and improve the detection of fake news.
Supported by Erasmus+, we built up friendly relationships between cities to enable people to get to know each other’s lives, history and culture. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2021, trust in the media is low in many countries. That’s why we taught participants how to critically scrutinize news and recognize fake news. They were given valuable tips on how to recognize and avoid misinformation.
Young people are the future of our society and have the power to bring about positive change. The Fake News Challenge offered a unique platform to make personal contacts, learn from each other and develop an awareness of global issues. Thanks to the project, many young people were able to build confidence and actively participate in shaping a positive future.
