Our focus:
In Cologne, we support people with a history of flight and migration, mostly from West Africa and Arab countries, as well as from other countries around the world. We look from our location in Koblenzer Straße to the south of Cologne and reach out to the West African communities in particular through our linguistic and cultural orientation.
Jama Nyeta e.V. offers counseling on legal issues related to asylum, youth and families, housing, employment and much more. Within the framework of projects for labor market integration, we offer (specialized) German courses and other recreational activities. Furthermore, we have other counseling and guidance services for young people who are pursuing higher education or vocational training.
Within the framework of development cooperation in the West Africa region, we give people a perspective on life through targeted and sustainable projects with local and international partner organizations by sustainably networking social enterprises, activating investors and providing specialized information. Through our direct support, we can directly improve local livelihoods and fight poverty in the long term.
Social counseling on the following topics
- Asylum and residence law
- Orientation in the social area, information about existing offers
- Advice on social law, in particular on the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act (AsylbLG) and the SGBII area
- Language support and placement in language courses and language support programs in cooperation with Integrationshaus e.V.
- Bambara, Fula, Sousou, Malinke, Arabic, French, English, Polish
Other offers in the center:
- Multilingual and language-sensitive learning support for young people with interrupted educational biographies (Kalan Nafa project)
- Regular excursions and joint leisure activities
- Gender-sensitive work with BIPOC boys*.
- Raising awareness for volunteers in the context of flight/migration and criticism of racism, education on the causes of flight Cooperation projects with students at the University of Cologne and the Cologne Sport University
